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How to be a seller?
Buy & Sell
Bring those items which is occupying space in your wardrobe after checking and making sure that it can be resued. For reference, what kind of items that we accept, visit our official instagram page and see what we sell. Check there are no lints, unusable items, torn, etc
Let our employee collect your items, and provide you our official log-in details of our seller portal. It will record the number of clothes you have given to us at first. Then after some time, when we take pictures of your items, you can check the price you will get for your clothes.
Now you can get the money for your clothes. Once they are sold, on the website you can request payment. You can transfer it to your esewa or official bank account, or collect cash from our store. You do not need to wait for all your items to be sold, you can get the money even if only one is sold.
You can use the same seller account for the next time you want to sell and earn more money.
Note that from the price of your item, 40% will be deducted for service charge.

ATSN Nepal

We are the first physical thrift store in the city located at Maitightar, Kathmandu. Established in 2020, we have been serving our secondhand loving customers all over Nepal.
© ATSN Nepal. All rights reserved